What is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?
The Brain Injury Association of America defines TBI as an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force.
More specifically, TBI is a brain dysfunction usually caused by a violent blow to the head or jolt to the body.
The severity of a brain injury is assessed with the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). The terms Mild Brain Injury, Moderate Brain Injury, and Severe Brain Injury are used to describe the level of initial injury in relation to the neurological severity caused to the brain. It’s important to keep in mind that there is nothing “Mild” about a brain injury. The term “Mild” Brain injury is used to describe a level of neurological injury. Any injury to the brain is a real and serious medical condition.
What do I do if I have TBI?
First thing’s first. Seek medical attention and explain the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. You must be as thorough with the doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis.
We also strongly encourage you to contact a qualified brain injury attorney to learn about your rights and to receive the professional legal expertise you need to win your case.
Attorney Randy Rozek’s Experience
Veteran personal injury attorney Randall Rozek is more than qualified to justly represent TBI victims. He has dedicated his career to serve this cause as he is part of the Board of the Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group of the American Association for Justice and is the editor of the Journal of Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation. A member of the Brain Injury Association of America, Rozek also speaks to lawyers and doctors to educate them on issues concerning victims of TBI. In May of 2016, a jury returned a $7.25 million verdict in a difficult bicycle vs. pickup truck collision after only 3 days of trial. The award was based on Rozek’s success at excluding certain damaging evidence and overcoming unfavorable testimony from the defendant, investigating police officer and an independent witness. In his closing, Rozek asked for $5.25 million, but the jury recognized the severity of his client’s injury and instead awarded $7.25 million.