Our truck accident attorneys at Rozek Law Offices carefully research the cause of your truck accident. But accidents with large trucks are more intricate cases than passenger cars cases. This is why you should hire an experienced law firm that has successfully represented victims of commercial truck accidents and has the means to determine what happened during your serious crash.
Many factors may contribute to the accident so we realize that identifying exactly what caused a truck accident could require an independent investigation by traffic reconstruction experts. Our firm works with reputable accident reconstruction experts to help build a solid case for full compensation from the insurance provider.
We will also obtain the cell phone records of the truck driver to determine if the driver was distracted at the time of the crash and we’ll analyze the driver logs and toll receipts to determine if the driver had been behind the wheel too long and likely had impaired alertness due to fatigue. We also review the maintenance records on the truck to determine if the truck company had serviced the brakes and other safety components of the vehicle per the schedule.
Because trucking companies are only required to keep maintenance records and driver logs for a certain period, hiring one of our lawyers quickly following the accident is crucial to avoid lost evidence. If you have been injured in a
traffic crash
with a large commercial truck or bus, it is best to consult with an experienced lawyer from our firm.
After a serious accident occurs, you should expect to be contacted by the insurance company representing the trucking company. In some cases, the accident victim or their representative may have to deal with different insurance companies representing the truck driver, trucking company and the cargo shipper.
You should understand that the insurance adjuster’s job is to protect their company’s profits and minimize the amount of money the company pays out in claims. Some insurance companies may assure the victim that an attorney is unnecessary but it’s important to have your own attorney represent you to prevent being taken advantage of.