TBI Statistics
According to national statistics presented by the Wisconsin State Legislature, each year, nearly 3.5 million children and adults sustain an acquired brain injury, with more cases going unreported or unnoticed. Causes of an acquired brain injury include toxic exposure, trauma, tumor, stroke, electric shock, and near drowning. Each year there are 2.5 million Americans who suffer from a traumatic brain injury caused by an impact from an external force while 2.2 million people are treated for traumatic brain injuries in a hospital, and around 50,000 people will ultimately die from these injuries each year.
To further demonstrate the magnitude of this event, every 13 seconds, someone in the United States sustains a traumatic brain injury from a fall, assault, or accident and because 12 million Americans live with the impact of a brain injury, it is important to recognize the issues facing these individuals.
What do I do if I have TBI?
Make sure you see a doctor and describe the specific problems and all the symptoms you’ve been experiencing in order for them to diagnose you properly. It’s recommended that you have someone stay with you just in case your symptoms worsen. Follow your doctor’s instructions about how long you need someone to stay with you.
We also strongly recommend that you contact an experienced brain injury attorney to learn about your rights and to get the professional legal advice you need, which you can find here at Rozek.
Attorney Randy Rozek’s Experience
Longtime personal injury attorney Randall Rozek is more than qualified to justly represent TBI victims. He has dedicated his career to serve this cause as he is part of the Board of the Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group of the American Association for Justice and is the editor of the Journal of Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation. A member of the Brain Injury Association of America, Rozek also speaks to lawyers and doctors to educate them on issues concerning victims of TBI. In May of 2016, a jury returned a $7.25 million verdict in a difficult bicycle vs. pickup truck collision after only 3 days of trial. The award was based on Rozek’s success at excluding certain damaging evidence and overcoming unfavorable testimony from the defendant, investigating police officer and an independent witness. In his closing, Rozek asked for $5.25 million, but the jury recognized the severity of his client’s injury and instead awarded $7.25 million.