The brain can best be described as the “control center” of a human being and, understandably, an injury to it can have immense effects on the functioning of the body. Known medically as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), the condition is often consequential to a fall, a vehicular accident, an act of violence or the participation in contact sports.
A TBI can stem from an external blow or a penetrating injury to the head, or a sudden acceleration or deceleration that jars the brain within the skull. The primary effects usually consist of the tearing, stretching and compressing of the tissue that comprises the brain and related blood vessels. There are also secondary effects of an injury that are related to a number of physiological processes and which can be prolonged in nature. A significant number of victims who suffer serious injuries to the brain succumb to these secondary effects, the most notable of which is an increase in pressure within the skull. However, most mild cases of brain trauma are resolved in a matter of days, allowing the person to return to his or her normal routine.
Those who suffer a mild TBI may experience such symptoms as headaches, nausea, blurred vision and dizziness. Serious cases of head trauma can produce these symptoms and cause a host of other problems, including convulsions and speech difficulties, or can leave the victim in a comatose state. Long-term effects can include low blood pressure and disturbances in the body’s hormone system. Those who suffer from brain trauma also have a greater chance of developing epilepsy or experiencing a stroke later in life. Additionally, these individuals can experience changes in their sensory capabilities, including their ability to see and hear. A brain injury can even lead to psychological disorders, among them anxiety and depression.
Considerable progress has been made in recent decades in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the brain, but prevention is still important in dealing with the issue. In that regard, safety belts in cars and motorcyle helmet laws have done much to reduce the incidence of brain injury.
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Rozek Law Offices, SC
3970 N Oakland Ave Ste 604
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211
Additional Client Meeting Location
Rozek Law Offices - Madison
2810 Crossroads Dr Ste 4046
Madison, Wisconsin 53718