More traffic crashes occurred in Eau Claire County in 2016 compared to the year before. According to an article by the Leader-Telegram, based on reports gathered from multiple law enforcement agencies, traffic crashes rose as did injuries and fatalities as a result of traffic crashes. “Sheriff’s deputies responded to 651 crashes last year, which was […]
More traffic crashes occurred in Eau Claire County in 2016 compared to the year before. According to an article by the Leader-Telegram , based on reports gathered from multiple law enforcement agencies, traffic crashes rose as did injuries and fatalities as a result of traffic crashes.
“Sheriff’s deputies responded to 651 crashes last year, which was up from 629 in 2015, based on figures the Eau Claire County sheriff’s office recently reported,” the article reads. “Of those crashes last year, six were fatal and 83 injured people. By comparison, the sheriff’s office handled three fatal and 79 injury crashes in 2015.”
Eau Claire city police experienced similar numbers involving overall crashes on city roads, but there were fewer injuries and more fatalities than in 2015.
“Eau Claire Police Department officers responded to a total of 2,152 crashes last year — 133 more than the year before. Last year there were 450 injuries from traffic crashes in the city, a decrease from 478 in 2015,” the article reads.
One person died as a result of a traffic crash on a city street in 2015 and last year, the number of fatalities rose to three people.
The Wisconsin State Patrol also reported more overall crashes in Eau Claire County. State troopers reportedly responded to 142 crashes in the county in 2016, up from 133 in 2015.
Fatal crashes throughout the state were up last year. There were 592 traffic deaths in Wisconsin — 37 more than last year and 38 more than the five-year average, according to state Department of Transportation statistics.
Ten died on Eau Claire County’s roads, which was the same as 2012, but higher than the 7.2 annual average.
According to the article, part of the uptick in crashes is being blamed on distracted driving. An Altoona police officer told the news outlet that people checking their cellphones rather than keeping an eye on the road in front of them, continues to be a problem.
“A contributing factor is distracted driving,” he said of numerous crashes he’s seen.
Sgt. John Staber of the county sheriff’s office agrees.
“In spite of all the public education and new laws regarding cellphone use while driving, drivers continue to use their phones while they drive.”
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