Sharing the road with large trucks can be both frustrating and at times, dangerous. When a large truck or a semi is moving slowly, it can be tempting to accelerate, switch lanes, and pass it. While this is something most everyone has done at one time or another, not everyone is aware of how to […]
Sharing the road with large trucks can be both frustrating and at times, dangerous. When a large truck or a semi is moving slowly, it can be tempting to accelerate, switch lanes, and pass it. While this is something most everyone has done at one time or another, not everyone is aware of how to pass a truck safely.
In fact, according to an article on the AAA website , about one in 10 highway deaths occur in a crash that involves a large truck – and 85 percent of the victims are traveling as passengers in a vehicle, are on a motorcycle, are a pedestrian, or are sharing the roadway on a bicycle.
Trucks are often so large; they have many blind spots. That, combined with the fact that cars’ side mirrors show things further away than they are can be a dangerous combination. When passing and re-entering another lane, a driver may think they are far enough away from a large truck being passed, when they actually are not.
This is one of the daily challenges truckers must deal with when interacting with cars. It can endanger not only the trucker, but also traffic surrounding the truck. Keep in mind that cutting off a semi-truck causes the driver to have to brake suddenly, which due to the size of the vehicle can cause them to lose control.
While passing a truck can be intimidating, with the right driving habits, you can avoid unnecessary risks. AAA has published on their website steps to take to pass a large truck safely.
Here are some tips on how to share the road with large trucks:
Avoid a truck driver’s blind spots
Large trucks have at least four blind spots that all motorists should avoid. In fact, driving in one of the blind spots essentially makes your vehicle invisible from the truck driver’s view.
According to AAA
, one-third of fatal crashes between cars and trucks occur in these four blind spots. And the larger the truck, the larger its blind spots.
Keep your distance behind large trucks
You might have noticed that some trucks have a sign on the back, prompting drivers to keep their distance. Well, those signs are there for good reason. Sometimes debris such as pebbles, loose dirt or even lumber can fly off the back of a truck and hit your vehicle. Depending on the size of what hits your vehicle, it could cause you to lose control and crash. The best way to avoid this is to keep a safe distance between your vehicle and a large truck. Make sure you’re at least three-seconds (minimal) behind a truck, or more. Most rear-end collisions are caused because the vehicle in back is following too closely.
Don’t cut in front of trucks
Cutting in front of a truck is just as dangerous as following too closely.
AAA reports
that a loaded truck needs 20 to 40 percent more distance than cars, to stop. When it’s raining or the roads are wet or slippery, they need even more distance to stop safely. If you do pass a truck, make sure you leave plenty of room between your car and the truck – and always use your turn signal before changing lanes to alert the truck driver.
Pay attention to signs
Many large trucks have signs behind them warning drivers of safety measures such as how much distance should be left between your car and them – or signs like “If you can’t see my side view mirrors, I can’t see you.” Pay attention to what those signs say. When you can’t see the truck’s mirrors, it means you’re following too closely, which of course puts you in the truck driver’s rear blind spot.
Be especially aware during the day
According to AAA
, nearly eight in 10 fatal crashes in 2013 involving large trucks happened during the weekday, mostly from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Always pay close attention, especially in the daytime, when sharing the roadway with large trucks.
Review more tips on how to drive safely next to big trucks.
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